
Showing posts from July, 2019

Nature's way

The sun has set and darkness is carving out spaces for itself. A curious hand brings something that looks strange. Shh! Can you hear the leaves  crying silently, exhibiting symptoms of  thirst ? Nature shows its creative bent.

To be continued

Update: The painting was proceeding at a sedate pace, drawing curious-eyed visitors but had to be stopped because 'the-cannot-be-curtailed' raindrops were starting their evening performance.


Sizzling sun wavers. Tender green newborns reach out, delightfully wave.

Back in your hand

A sudden crash! The end of a glorious innings... The sun, the rain and the wind have played their part but no worries, you'll see me back, sometime later, as an eco friendly broom.

Sunshine flatters

Thanks to the sun's largesse, I am getting more attention than I usually do... a second look, a third look, some extra appeal, even making those 'art inclined' fingers itch.